Animations of systems of veins-arteries.

Purpose: boundary conditions for heart.

We use a system with arteries which splits two times

                            o         o
                          o              o
                        o                   o
                     o    o              o   o
                   o         o         o        o
                 o             o     o             o

the length of all segments is equal
the diameter may change

method: 1-D lumped model, axi-symmetric, elastic tube,  form of velocity profile fixed (not ampliture),   non-linear,
                coupling at junctions using characteristics,  conservation of mass and continuity of pressure
                animations show waves through three levels of segments in a row, segments start and end at multiples of 0.05

Animation 1: long wave, non- reflecting BC at the end

  • long wave incoming



    Animation 2: shorter wave, fixed  pressure BC at the end,  showing transient at start-up

  • shorter wave incoming



    Animation 3: longer wave, fixed BC at the end, slight average pressure difference inlet-outlet, showing transient at start-up

  • long wave incoming, pressure fixed at end



    Animation 4: longer wave, fixed BC at the end, slight average pressure difference inlet-outlet, showing the effect of mistakes at the junctions

  • little mistakes at junction