program opgave1 c implicit none c c solution of instationary diffusion equation with several methods c integer N,i c parameter (N=10) double precision Cold(0:N) double precision Cnew(0:N) double precision x(0:N) double precision dx double precision RHS(1:N) double precision time, dt double precision Kdif double precision length double precision U integer imethod integer istep, nstep c open(unit=10,file='param') read(10,*)nstep read(10,*)dt read(10,*)imethod close(10) Kdif = 0.0001d0 U = 25.d0 call grid(x,dx,N) call init(Cnew,x,N) call copy(Cold,Cnew,N) time = 0.d0 c c c check stability c call checkst(dx,x,dt,U,Kdif,N) do istep=1,nstep call explicit(Cnew,Cold,RHS,x,dx,dt,U,Kdif,imethod,N) call bound(Cnew,N) time = time + dt enddo c call output(Cnew,x,U,Kdif, time, N) c stop end subroutine grid(x,dx,N) c implicit none integer N double precision strech double precision x(0:N) double precision dx double precision length c double precision xend integer i c length = 1.d0 dx = length/N do i=0,N x(i) = i*dx enddo c return end c subroutine init(C,x,N) c implicit none c integer N, i double precision C(0:N) double precision x(0:N) double precision pi pi = 4.d0*atan(1.d0) c do i=0,N C(i) = 0.d0 enddo c return end subroutine copy(Cold,Cnew,N) c implicit none c integer N c double precision Cold(0:N) double precision Cnew(0:N) c integer i c do i=0,N Cold(i) = Cnew(i) enddo c return end subroutine checkst(dx,x,dt,U,Kdif,N) c c implement your stability criterion in this routine c implicit none c integer N double precision dx double precision x (0:N) double precision dt, U,Kdif, Pe integer i double precision difnum, sounum c difnum = 0.00001 if( write(6,*)'diffusion number gt 0.5 ' , & 'difnum = ', difnum endif return end subroutine explicit(Cnew,Cold,RHS,x,dx,dt,U,Kdif,imethod,N) implicit none c integer N c double precision Cold(0:N) double precision Cnew(0:N) double precision RHS (1:N) double precision x(0:N) double precision dx double precision dt, U,Kdif integer imethod c integer i if(imethod.eq.1)then c c PUT YOUR OWN STUFF HERE do i=0,N Cold(i) = 0.d0 enddo c c PUT YOUR OWN STUFF HERE do i=1,N-1 Cnew(i) = 0.d0 enddo elseif(imethod.eq.2)then c c PUT YOUR OWN STUFF HERE do i=0,N Cold(i) = 0.d0 enddo c c PUT YOUR OWN STUFF HERE do i=1,N-1 Cnew(i) = 0.d0 enddo else write(6,*)'ERROR: NO valid method chosen' write(6,*)'ERROR: imethod must be 1 or 2' stop endif c return end c subroutine bound(C,N) c implicit none c integer N c double precision C(0:N) c c PUT YOUR OWN STUFF HERE C(0) = 0.d0 c PUT YOUR OWN STUFF HERE C(N) = 0.d0 c return end subroutine output(C,x,U,Kdif,time,N) c implicit none c integer N c double precision C(0:N) double precision x(0:N) double precision U,Kdif, time double precision exact, pi, ermax c integer i pi = 4.d0*atan(1.d0) c open(unit=10,file='output') c ermax = 0.d0 c do i=0,N C PUT YOUR OWN STUFF HERE (calculate exact, calculate maximum absolute error) exact = 0.d0 write(10,*)x(i),C(i),exact enddo write(6,*)'time, ermax = ', time, ermax c close(10) c return end