Exercise 3

NOTE: you should start this assignent ONLY after you have finished and handed in assignment 1
After this, you need to finish all the rest within two months

For this exercise, you  have to calculate a flow using the commercial CFD package Fluent.

You can either calculate a flow we prescribe for you, or (preferably) you can choose a flow you choose yourself.
If you choose the flow yourself, preferably choose a flow you are already somewhat familiar with, so you can see
if the results make sense or not. The flow may have to do with your graduation work, or can be a flow described in one of the lectures
on flow and heat transfer  etc. Normally, it is advisable to take a 2D or axi-symmetric geometry, because 3D
calculations are more difficult and  need more memory and CPU time. Do not include small details, they  make it very difficult
to make a good grid and resolving the small details on the grid  may take a lot of extra grid points (which means: extra memory
and CPU on the cmputer).

Before starting to work on this exercise with the CFD package, make a sketch of the geometry you want to calculate and discuss it with the mentor.

You need to check for grid-independence (check the solution on , say, three  meaningful grids) and check the influence of
the numerical scheme (solve, say, on the middle-fine grid with two methods, first-order and higher-order).
Discuss special features of the flow (large gradients,  wiggles, stagnation points, etc.),  and their dependence on grid
and numerical method.

Normally, just contour plots will not give you enough information, you will also need 1D cuts through the calculation domain.